Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fresh Wordy Guy

Yes, I know it's been nearly 2 months since I posted anything on this rusty old blog. And I know that the last one before the last one was a Wordy Guy, but hey, what are wordy guys for but to give you a little vocabularial help when you need it, right?

Of course. And Mr. V is the Wordy Guy. So this is his latest.

A. A woman's large handbag, popular during the late 1800s
B. A woman's close-fitting, bell-shaped hat
C. A woman's bell-shaped dress, popular during the late 1800s

NO CHEATING. NO CONSULTING ANY BOOKS (ONLINE OR OTHERWISE). JUST MAN-UP AND TAKE A GUESS. (the all caps is directly from Mr. V himself, so watch it!)

As always, this is only for fun; no prizes will be awarded, and please, no wagering.


The show is over folks, WE HAVE A WINNER! Hats off to the coincidentally chapeau-centric CACTUS, for being full to the brim with a knowledge of millinery. Yes, she wins the crown for this round of Wordy Guy. It is the hat.

Stepsistah can put a feather in her cap for being quick on the trigger, just not as quick as Cactus.

Innominatus filled the niche that geezers fill; being fiscally "responsible" (read: cheap) and full of punishment.

Thanks for the three of you playing Wordy Guy, and I hope that more of you readers cross the line from spectator to combatant soon!