Friday, August 07, 2009

Computers Have Taken Over

I was drawing today, the old-fashioned way; paper and pencil. I am doing a couple of preliminary sketches for a guy gearing up to make a movie. My job will (hopefully) be to do the storyboard drawings to a) sell the idea to investors and b) show the progression of the shots to plan out the film being shot. Pretty cool.

It’s been a while since I have just sat and drawn pictures, and as I had been sitting there for half an hour or so, I decided to get up and get some water. Just before I stood up, my mind started to fire the synapses to my left hand to hit “command + S”; the Mac keyboard shortcut to “Save” a file.

I couldn’t believe that the action gotten that far. Totally inconceivable. Have I been creating art on a computer for so long that even a simple act that I have done virtually all my life been invaded by the requirements of the virtual world?

I had to laugh when I actually realized what had happened. I told my daughter about it, and she just grinned and rolled her eyes.

I just hope that my students read this and realize how deeply ingrained that the actions become.


innominatus said...

You wouldn't have that problem if you were running Windoze. Instead you'd be saying "No! Don't lock up now! I haven't saved yet!"

aA said...

Yeah, I have enough troubles in my life right now, the last thing I need to fight is my computer.

the photoSmith said...

as long as you hit command+s before command+w or command+q for some reason my finger wants to make the extra effort of reaching to that next row and really messing things up...

Christina Potts said...

command+z comes to mind sometimes when I am making art with my hands! Oh crap! I didn't mean to cut that! UNDO! UNDO! but there is not an undo in real life.

artBYrgf said...

Finger memory for right and left hands, an existential kind of thing.