Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Wordy Guy VI ANSWER!

It warms my heart to see that I had 7 contestants in "Wordy Guy VI"...Four of you were wrong, but the same wrong as the others, which makes me wonder what YOU think is healthy.

The winner of this week's "Wordy Guy" is ARTBYRGF...she was the first to comment with the correct answer.
The correct, official, non-made up answer for salubrious is "B- Promoting health or well-being".

Thank you all for playing "Wordy Guy" and watch for the next installment. I have some good ones lined up and you will impress me if you get them right.

The prize of a family pack of tickets to the Houston Grand Prix was to be awarded, however the event was cancelled yesterday due to scheduling conflicts. We are sorry for dashed hopes.

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