Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Was Left OUT of the Last Post

And that wasn't all. My youngest daughter tried (maybe successfully, we're not certain yet) to break her right elbow.

The long sordid story is forthcoming. Or fifthcoming, depending on when I get it all typed in. I was going to include it on the "Washing Machine" post, but I had over 1200 words and not a one about the elbow. This story alone will likely reach well over 650 words, to adequately capture the ER experience. Twice.

So the story is taking shape now.


the photoSmith said...


aA said...

*indignantly: "I am NOT a slacker," he typed, "I just have a lot of things on my mind lately and it ju--OOH, look, something shiny!"

Anonymous said...

You might want to rename the blog from Geezer to War and Peace revisited.

aA said...

tex, i hope you weren't exhausted by so much reading! sorry about the verbosity, but some things that happen just need describin'.